Ex machina
I have been trying to figure out the logistics of owning a body like one
owns a family heirloom or an old sweater / I don’t know how to talk to
people who’ve never imagined taking off their body with all its aches
and soft imperfections / stepping out of the house of flesh and feeling
finally free of its ugly weight / hanging it in the closet or leaving it behind
in a second-hand store amidst dusty sofas and chipped tea cups / equally
used up and unwanted / I have been trying to avoid turning my body into
a tragedy / the ancient kind all masks and voices and finally a catharsis /
a release of all that dreadful feeling
Ash Davida Jane
A. Davida Jane is a poet and bookseller from Wellington. She has a degree in English from Victoria University. Her first poetry collection was published with Platypus Press in the UK in 2016. She can also be found on social media @adavidajane.