Old Taupō Road
Brake for the man
driving the steamroller.
Watch the man
turn and quickly
drive the steamroller
onto its trailer,
the gigantic wheel
in perfect alignment
with its bed.
Stop and watch
the new calves
in their pasture.
Stop and watch
the new calves
fucking in their pasture.
One calf hitches onto
the back of another calf
and rides it
around the pasture.
A bird flies
under the car.
Watch the bird
in the rear view mirror
coming out the other side,
crumpling onto the median.
Glass Beach
On the other side of the hill
on the other side of the stars
there is a beach as
smooth as a windowpane.
Some of it is colored
red and yellow and green,
swirled bright or dripped
thick as from a brush.
Some of it is colorless.
Here, you can see
down beneath the glass –
the crust, the mantle, the core.
We stand at the edge and look in,
our bodies too dense to touch it.
Flies land deftly on its surface,
their thin legs vibrating gently.
The waves that lap at the beach
make tiny cuts that catch the fish
and turn them into scaled ribbons
before they’re pulled back out.
No one knows how far the glass goes, under the water.
Divers have seen bright patches of lava five kilometers out.
After that, everything goes dark
even the sea.
Carolyn DeCarlo
Carolyn DeCarlo is an American writer living in Wellington, New Zealand. She is the author of one chapbook, Strawberry Hill (Pangur Ban Party 2013), and co-author of two chapbooks, Twilight Zone (NAP 2013) and Bound: An Ode to Falling in Love (Compound Press 2014), with Jackson Nieuwland. Her poetry and fiction have been published by or are forthcoming from LEFT, Zoomoozophone Review, Minarets, Illuminati Girl Gang, Shabby Doll House, West Wind Review, The Scrambler, and Everyday Genius. You can find her @carodecarlo.